Homemade Fuse

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To the author: This article may present dangerous advice. Working with red phosphorus should be avoided. Other than that matches do not contain any phosphorus! They contain potassium chlorate along with other substances such as animal glue and dyestuff (most are colored with red dye). The phosphorus is contained in the striker on the box.

There are much safer chemicals to use when making simple matches by soaking paper e.g. plain saltpeter. I think this page will have to be removed in the long run. Other users please comment using the discussion button above. --AdmiralDonSnider 02:37, 10 July 2010 (EST)

To AdmiralDonSnider: I was, in fact erroneous in stating that matches contain red phosphorus. I have changed the wording of my article. --Seth Meyers 08:01, 2 September 2010 (EST)

[edit] How to Make a Simple Fuse

Materials Required:

-Toilet Paper


-Isopropyl Alcohol

First, cut or tear the toilet paper into strips about 1 cm wide by one square width long. Then, fold each strip in half lengthwise. Twist these strips of tissue into strands. Next, strip the heads off of 3-5 safety matches. Using a hammer or mortar and pestle, grind it to a powder. Then, add a few drops of alcohol to the powder to make a paste. Soak the strips of toilet paper in the paste, then let them dry overnight. Each strip should burn for about 2-5 seconds.

--Seth Meyers 05:55, 5 July 2010 (EST)

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